
沃拉沃拉大学非常重视员工的安全. 每一个院长, 导演, chair-person, 主管对本部门的安全绩效负责. 看到 麦维总统的信. 每个人都在澳门线上博彩官网校园社区的安全中发挥着作用. The University has developed this program for injury prevention to involve administrators, 监事, and employees in identifying and eliminating hazards that may develop during our work process. 

No task is so important that an employee must violate a safety rule or take a 风险 of injury or illness in order to get the job done.

安全 is a team effort - Let us all work together to keep 沃拉沃拉大学 a safe and healthy workplace


Are required to comply with all University safety rules and are encouraged to actively participate in identifying ways to make our University a safer place to work.

  1. Follow safety rules described in this program, WISHA safety standards and training you receive.
  2. Always use personal protective equipment (PPE) in good working condition where it is required.
  3. 不要拆除或禁用任何安全装置 or safeguard provided for employee protection.
  4. 用你的语言和例子来鼓励同事在工作中使用安全的工作方法.
  5. 向你的主管风险提出建议 & 安全管理委员会成员, 或者管理层关于你认为会提高员工安全的变化.
  6. 及时 报告所有事故/未遂事故.
  1. 及时报告所有受伤情况 事故/险些脱险报告 不管有多严重.
  2. 及时报告所有差点受伤的情况,提交一份报告 事故/险些脱险报告​​​​​​​.
  3. 及时向主管或人力资源部报告不安全状况或行动, 通过电话或使用网络 报告不安全状况 form.

基本安全规则, 不限于但包括以下内容, have been established to help make our University a safe and efficient place to work. These rules are in addition to specific departmental safety rules that must be followed when doing particular jobs or operating certain equipment. 不遵守这些规则将受到纪律处分. 员工 are expected to use good judgment when doing their work and to follow established safety rules.

  1. 永远不要为了完成工作而做不安全的事情. 如果一份工作不安全,向你的主管或风险部门报告 & 安全管理委员会代表. 澳门线上博彩官网会找到更安全的方法来完成这项工作.
  2. 不要拆除或禁用任何安全装置! 在操作机械上始终保持警卫到位.
  3. 除非经过培训并获得授权,否则不要操作任何设备.
  4. 必要时使用个人防护装备(PPE).
  5. 遵守所有安全警告标志.
  6. Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or using them at work is prohibited.
  7. 禁止携带枪支或爆炸物进入学校.
  8. 不允许吸烟.
  9. 禁止打闹、奔跑和打架.
  10. 立即清理泄漏物.
  11. 使用后更换所有工具和用品.
  12. 不要让垃圾或残羹剩饭堆积在会成为危险的地方. 良好的家务管理有助于防止受伤.

Are responsible for the safety of their employees and as a part of their duties must check the workplace for unsafe conditions, 观察员工的不安全行为, 并迅速采取措施消除任何危险. Each supervisor must take the initiative to assess for safety needs and train persons under their supervision in safe work practices. 除了, 监事 are expected to promote a safety attitude and awareness that will lead faculty, 工作人员, and students working under their supervision to take a safe course when faced with situation which are not covered by established regulations and practices.

  1. 确保你管理的每个员工都接受了初步的培训 之前 开始工作.
  2. Document that each employee you supervise is competent or receives training on safe operation of equipment or tasks 之前 开始在那个设备或项目上工作.
  3. 确保每位员工获得所需的个人防护装备(PPE) 之前 开始一个需要PPE的项目.
  4. 保留员工在职期间的培训文件,外加6年.
  5. 对工作区域进行巡视安全检查. 及时纠正你发现的任何危险.
  6. 观察你监督的员工的工作. 及时纠正不安全行为, 提供培训并采取必要的纠正措施, 记录员工评估.
  7. Set a good example for employees by following safety rules and attending required training.
  8. Talk to management about changes to work practices or equipment that will improve employee safety.
  9. 及时 报告所有事故/未遂事故 并使用 事故/险些脱险调查报告.
  1. 将事故/事件通知人力资源部 受伤的那一天 通过确认员工已经完成了一个 事故/险些脱险报告.
  2. 完成一个事故/险些脱险调查报告​​​​​​​ 对于所有的事故或险些发生的事件, 但可能会造成严重伤害)在你的监督下, 72小时内.
  3. 报告任何雇员的死亡或可能死亡, or the in-patient hospitalization of two (2) or more employees within eight (8) hours to 人力资源 在正常营业时间内,或到校园安全下班后,周末或节假日.

Whenever there is an incident that results in death or serious injuries that have immediate symptoms, a preliminary investigation will be conducted by the immediate supervisor of the injured person(s), 由管理层指定的人, 的风险 & 安全主任,以及任何其他专业知识有助于调查的人员.

  1. 调查组将听取证人的书面陈述, 拍摄事故现场和相关设备.
  2. They will document the condition of equipment and anything else in the work area that may be relevant. 
  3. 他们会写一份 调查报告 他们的发现. 报告将包括
    • 导致这一事件的一系列事件
    • 关于事件的结论
    • 有什么建议可以防止将来发生类似事件吗.

A 工作危害分析 将由主管完成的工作任务. Changes to how the job is done will be made, as needed, to eliminate or control any hazards. The supervisor will also check to see if the employee needs to use personal protective equipment (PPE) while doing the job. 员工将接受修改后操作的培训,并使用所需的个人防护用品.

The supervisor is responsible to verify that each employee has received an initial departmental orientation and any training needed to do the job safely and that the employee file documents the training. 的风险 & 安全主任将协助主管提供培训资源.

监事 will establish safety rules and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements based upon a hazard assessment for each task listed.

投入必要的资源来支持风险 & 安全管理委员会, 建立识别和纠正危险的系统, planning for foreseeable emergencies and providing initial and ongoing training for employees and their 监事.

  1. 确保风险 & 安全管理委员会 and sub-committees are carrying out their responsibilities.
  2. 确保员工有足够的时间, 主管支持, 预算资金用于安全设备, 培训并执行安全计划.
  3. Evaluate 监事 each year to make sure they are carrying out their responsibilities.
  4. 确保 事故/近距离脱靶 是否使用 事故/险些脱险调查报告 并采取纠正措施防止根本原因, 不管是条件的还是行为的, 道德.
  5. 确保受伤和疾病的记录被保存和张贴.
  6. Set a good example by following established safety rules and attending required training.
  7. Report unsafe practices or conditions to the supervisor of the area where the hazard was observed online at 报告不安全情况.

Are required to comply with all University safety rules and are encouraged to actively participate in identifying ways to make our University a safer place to work.

  1. Follow safety rules described in this program, WISHA safety standards and training you receive.
  2. Always use personal protective equipment (PPE) in good working condition where it is required.
  3. 不要拆除或禁用任何安全装置 or safeguard provided for employee protection.
  4. 用你的语言和例子来鼓励同事在工作中使用安全的工作方法.
  5. 向你的主管风险提出建议 & 安全管理委员会成员, 或者管理层关于你认为会提高员工安全的变化.
  6. 及时 报告所有事故/未遂事故.
  1. 及时报告所有受伤情况 事故/险些脱险报告 不管有多严重.
  2. 及时报告所有差点受伤的情况,提交一份报告 事故/险些脱险报告​​​​​​​.
  3. 及时向主管或人力资源部报告不安全状况或行动, 通过电话或使用网络 报告不安全状况 form.

基本安全规则, 不限于但包括以下内容, have been established to help make our University a safe and efficient place to work. These rules are in addition to specific departmental safety rules that must be followed when doing particular jobs or operating certain equipment. 不遵守这些规则将受到纪律处分. 志愿者 are expected to use good judgment when doing their work and to follow established safety rules.

  1. 永远不要为了完成工作而做不安全的事情. 如果一份工作不安全,向你的主管或风险部门报告 & 安全管理委员会代表. 澳门线上博彩官网会找到更安全的方法来完成这项工作.
  2. 不要拆除或禁用任何安全装置! 在操作机械上始终保持警卫到位.
  3. 除非经过培训并获得授权,否则不要操作任何设备.
  4. 必要时使用个人防护装备(PPE).
  5. 遵守所有安全警告标志.
  6. Volunteering under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or using them while volunteering is prohibited.
  7. 禁止携带枪支或爆炸物进入学校.
  8. 不允许吸烟.
  9. 禁止打闹、奔跑和打架.
  10. 立即清理泄漏物.
  11. 使用后更换所有工具和用品.
  12. 不要让垃圾或残羹剩饭堆积在会成为危险的地方. 良好的家务管理有助于防止受伤.
  1. 如果有人死亡, 可能死亡, 或者住院治疗, 人力资源, 营业时间, 或校园保安, 在周末, 晚上或假期, 我会打电话来报告吗, 到政府部门去, 使用以下信息.
    • 工作地点的名称
    • 事故发生地点
    • 事件发生的时间和日期
    • 死亡人数或住院雇员人数
    • 受伤雇员名单
    • 联系人和电话号码
    • 事件的简要描述
  2. 利用 事故/次死里逃生的报告, 意外/未遂事故调查报告, 以及任何与事故有关的索赔表格, 人力资源部将决定是否必须记录在 OSHA伤害和疾病记录和总结y.
  3. 人力资源 will enter a recordable accident within six (6) days after the university becomes aware of it. 
  4. 如果伤害没有记录在OSHA日志上, 人力资源 will add it to a separate incident report log which is used to record non-OSHA recordable injuries and near-misses.
  5. 人力资源 will provide a quarterly report of injuries and investigations to 的风险 & 供安全管理委员会审查.

报告死亡, 可能死亡, or the in-patient hospitalization of two (2) or more employees working in Washington within eight (8) hours to the Department of Labor and Industries, 肯纳威克.




Call 1-503-378-3272 to report the death or 可能死亡 of one or more employees working in Oregon to OR-OSHA.

Call 1-503-229-5910 to report the in-patient hospitalizations of two (2) or more employees working in Oregon to OR-OSHA.



请拨打1-800-321-6742报告死亡, 可能死亡, 或在蒙大拿州工作的两(2)名或更多雇员的住院治疗.
